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Featured Artist 03: Celia Bell


Celia Bell

Steel + Flint Featured Artist 03

Celia is a self-described “dreamer, adventurer and destination photographer, madly in love with searching for the intimate moments between breaths and the quiet pauses between kisses.” Our favorite part about Celia’s work is the fact that she approaches every shoot with the goal of telling the true story of her clients to be passed down from generation to generation.

We asked Celia a few questions about her work, standing out in the photography community and much more. Enjoy!

What is one image that represents your overall work/style as an artist?

Oh man this is a tough one, hmmmm. The one image I feel most drawn too is of one of a couple and their dog, relaxed and natural embracing on the desert floor as the sun sets behind them. Nothing forced, totally relaxed and "them" completely in their element. That is what I hope to capture with every session, the absolute essence of who my clients are.

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What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone working to get where you are?

Believe in what calls to you, believe in what kind of a life you want to make for yourself and for your family and go for it with everything you've got. Invest in workshops and mentorships, if you want to be a photographer then DO IT! Understanding that fear and your own mind are the only two things that stand in the way of you reaching your dreams and not letting anyone else determine how big you can dream or how far you can go, only you can determine that. It's so easy these days, and I think especially as artists, to allow others to determine our worth and I know there has been more awareness towards this subject but let's be honest we ALL do it. STOP constantly scrutinizing and comparing yourself and work to others, let's wake up from the idea that everyone's work should look the same, be your own biggest supporter and you'll find that you will become unstoppable.  Also, don't be afraid to steer away from your "norm", being an artist doesn't mean you have to have the same look all the time. Explore and experiment, some of my FAVORITE images come from shoots may look a lot different than my client work but they are still an extension of who we are as artists.


Who was your biggest influence when you were starting out?

Hmm i've thought long and hard about this and i've come to realize I really didn't have one specific influence, my interest and style has changed so much since I began this journey. I also think this is why I struggled so much in the beginning. There was no facebook or instagram, I had no idea really what the hell I was doing or what I wanted my work to look like, and not a whole lot of material in front of me, I just kind of wung it ( is wung it even a word?)

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How have you worked to set yourself apart from other photographers?

This journey has been such a complex one, from where I first started shooting to where I am now (and where I'll be in 10 years) is so vastly different we all evolve, change and grow over time. Sometimes is hard to set yourself apart, especially with social media. There are SO MANY amazing photographers and artists out there sometimes you feel like you can get lost in the mix. But, what I have to just focus on is me, my work and the experience I'm providing for MY clients. To really dig in deep to what calls to me when shooting, and to think "what would I want to capture and to pass down as my legacy". I try to draw from my own life experiences when working with my clients because what ultimately I and the conductor of a time machines. People intrust in me to capture a little moment in time, a snippet of their legacy. So i'm not sure if this is what sets me apart from other photographers, but it's what sets my mind apart to keep me from comparing and it keeps me true and honest to my intentions of my work. And I think once you stay true to who you are, what your intentions are as an artist and as an entrepreneur then you will stand out amongst the rest.


What’s in your bag?

  • I am, what I like to call a minimalist photographer, I really don't have that much equipment. I always shoot with my trusty Nikon D750 and have a Nikon D600 as backup just chillin' in my bag just in case (working towards getting another D750 this year). I only have four lenses a Nikon 24-70 f2.8 (this baby was my FIRST LENS and is still semi kicking 8 years later) a Nikon 50mm 1.8, Nikon 85mm 1.4 and a Sigma Art 35mm 1.4 and two speed lights that desperately beg me to take Esteban's course every time I break them out, Nikon SB-900 and Nikon SB-700.

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